Portfolio Requirements

About the Portfolio

You’ll submit a portfolio of artwork for evaluation at the end of the school year. You’ll work with your teacher or AP coordinator to mail in your physical works to the AP Program, and you’ll also upload digital images of your work and commentary online.

Note: You may submit more than one Art and Design portfolio exam in a given year, but each must be a different type of portfolio. You may not duplicate works or images among the portfolios and portfolios may not be combined. For example, if you want to submit a portfolio for both Drawing and 2-D Art and Design, you will need to submit two separate portfolios with two completely different sets of artwork, and you must order two exams.

For the AP 2-D Art and Design portfolio:

15 digital images 60% of Score

You’ll create a body of work that demonstrates:

You’ll have to document in writing:

5 artworks 40% of Score

You’ll work with your teacher or AP coordinator to mail in your physical works to the AP Program, and you’ll also upload images of your work to the AP Art and Design digital submission web application.

You’ll choose works that demonstrate:

For each work, you’ll have to describe in writing:

Works may come from the Sustained Investigation section, but they do not have to. They may be a group of related works, unrelated works, or a combination of related and unrelated works.