Day 1
August 19, 2020
Welcome!Do you have any questions, or concerns?
Class Website
Procedure Presentation
Disclosure Document
Artists: Sarah Stoddard, Leah Beeferman, Lance Letscher, Laslo Antal, Lorien Stern
Sketchbook Collaging Workshop
Clean up/Sanitize
Fill out the "About Me" form
Disclosure Document (Due August 25)
Optional: Join Remind
Blue Painter's Tape
Day 2
August 21, 2020
Starter: Write a list of as many media/medium you can think of (anything that makes a mark)
Artist of the Day: Yayoi Kusama, Melissa Gonzales
What is a mark discussion?
Activity! Go outside and find 10 materials that make a mark (Like paint, grass, dirt), and 10 materials to use to put the medium onto the paper(Like a paintbrush, rock, stick)
Talk about paint (what is paint?) Talk about paint brushes. Make your own tool to make a mark.
Fill out the "About Me" form
Disclosure Document (Due August 25)
Day 3
August 25, 2020
Draw 10 shapes and 3 patterns in your sketchbook
Artist of the day: Min Pin
Watch this video about what is art
Discussion: What is art?
Blue Tape?
Acrylic Demonstration/Workshop
Paint a flat shape with a light color then once the paint is dry, make a pattern on top of the shape with a darker color
Clean up/Sanitize
Fill out the "About Me" form
Disclosure Document (Due August 25 TODAY)
Day 4
August 27, 2020
Starter: Write a list of every ground you can think of. Ground: A surface you can paint/draw/embroider on. Examples: Paper, Wood, Leaves
Artists of the day: Ricey Wright, Andi Pitcher Davis, Cayce Zavaglia, Geoff Mcfetridge, Rachel de Joode
New Assignment: Painting Thread and Baking Photographs
Day 5
August 31, 2020
Starter: Find a picture YOU took on your phone. Try to draw the outlines of that picture.
Artists of the day: Keith Haring, Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher, Cinta Arribas, Geoff McFetridge
Ink Workshop
Painting Thread and Baking Photographs (Due September 11)
Painting Thread and Baking Photographs (Due September 11)
Day 6
September 2, 2020
Starter: Draw a quick sketch of the Image and answer the following questions: What do you see in the image? What does the image remind you of? What questions do you have about the piece?
Artists of the Day: Thomas Demand (interview 00:10-4:24)
Paper Workshop - Make an object you use everyday out of paper
Work on Painting Thread and Baking Photographs (Meet with Barney about your project)
Painting Thread and Baking Photographs (Due September 11)
Day 7
September 4, 2020
Starter: What is a drawing? What does it mean to draw? Based off of the definitions you found, think about different materials you could use to make a drawing besides a pencil, pen, or marker (Feel free to use your phone and neighbor as a resource)
Write a response to the video in your sketchbook
Artists of the Day: Tony Orrico video, Heather Hansen video
Drawing Workshop: Draw something using your body instead of just your hand
Work time
Painting Thread and Baking Photographs (Due September 11)
Check out the class website and write that you did it on canvas!
Day 8
September 9, 2020
Starter: What is paint? What does it mean to paint? Based off of the definitions you found, think about different materials you could use to make a painting (Feel free to use your phone and neighbor as a resource)
Artists of the Day: Misaki Kawai, Cinta Arribas, Mogu Takahashi, Ilka Mészely
Color Theory Lesson
QUIZ in class (on Canvas)
Painting Thread and Baking Photographs (Due September 11)
Check out the class website and write that you did it on canvas!
Day 9
September 11, 2020
Starter: Look at this piece of art.
a. Describe the work
b. Write down 3 things that the piece reminds you of.
c. Does the art look finished? Why?
d. What questions do you have about it?
Artists of the Day: JooYoung Choi
Write about your project in your sketchbook. What is it? What was the process you made it? How does it fulfill the assignment?
Critiques (concept, context, content) Get feedback from your peers using the questions in the starter
Freezer Paper intro Workshop
Worktime - Draw out some ideas to make on your shirt
Painting Thread and Baking Photographs (Due TODAY)
Check out the class website and write that you did it on canvas!
Day 10
September 15, 2020
Starter: Draw a picture of a place you don't mind waiting from memory
Artists of the Day: Maren Elmont, Megan Arné, Mando Marie, Hannah Hillam, The Printed Peanut
Freezer Paper Video 00:00-03:22
Freezer Paper/Stencil Workshop
Worktime - Cut out your stencil on freezer paper
Check out the class website and write that you did it on canvas!
Sketchbook assignments and starters due on September 21
Day 11
September 17, 2020
Starter: Draw a picture of some things you care about.
Artists of the Day: Andy Warhol, Greg Caldwell
Freezer Paper t-shirt printing!
Check out the class website and write that you did it on canvas!
Day 12
September 21, 2020
Starter: Write a list of things you've collected and things you want to collect (rocks, postcards, stamps, stickers, cups, books, etc)
Artists of the day: Martin Parr, Dalila Sanabria, Uta Barth, Harrell Fletcher
Everyday Observations Assignment Introduction!
Watercolor artists: Nadja B, Tim Griffiths
Write down a list of things you could observe/investigate.
Check out the class website and write that you did it on canvas!
Day 13
September 23, 2020
Starter: Write a list of places you often visit. What objects or surroundings standout in these places?
Artists of the day: Mandy Darrington, Aloe Corry, Maddison Colvin, Suzanne Jackson
Everyday Observations questions
Check out the class website and write that you did it on canvas!
Day 14
September 29, 2020
Starter: Draw a quick sketch of a person you know and some items you associate with that person.
Artists of the day: Ainsley Romero, Clara J Koons, Lorien Stern, Audrey Hancock, Nicole Navarro
In your sketchbook write down what you noticed the artists have in common and what you can learn from them.
Acrylic pin workshop
Everyday Observations questions and updates
Check out the class website and write that you did it on canvas!
Day 15
October 1, 2020
Starter: What are your thoughts about graffiti? What about public art? Draw a picture of a wall with a message you think everyone should see
Artists of the day: Justin Wheatley, Jean-Michel Basquiat
In your sketchbook write down what you noticed the artists have in common and what you can learn from them.
Acrylic pin workshop
Everyday Observations questions and updates
Everyday Observations Due October 8
Day 16
October 5, 2020
Starter: Out of the following topics, pick 3 of them that stand out to you
Grief, Time, Abstraction, Translation, The sublime, materiality, practice, destruction, sound, education, ruins, The object, sexuality, work, Memory, color, light, health, spirituality, nature, ethics, comfort, play, chance, boredom, queer, rural, appropriation, situation, race, the cinematic, the everyday, the fake, Science fiction, Documentary, The magazine, The market, feminism, networks/connection, information , happiness, beauty, humor, systems, dance, failure, dreams, wearable art, language
Artists of the day: Gwen Davis-Barrios, Fidalis Buehler, Art Morrill, Christopher Boffoli, Slinkachu, Tatsuya Tanaka,
In your sketchbook write down how the artists work above relates to your everyday observations
Tiny People Workshop (scale)
Everyday Observations questions and updates
Everyday Observations Due October 8
Day 17
October 7, 2020
Starter: Write a list of public places/things you could find almost anywhere (Gas station, Utility Poles, Fire Department, Garbage Cans, Bus Stations, Sidewalks)
Artists of the day: Mike Silva, Daniel Everett, Lindsay Stripling, Christian Michael Filardo, Pippa Dyrlaga
Tiny People Workshop (scale)
Christopher Boffoli, Slinkachu, Tatsuya Tanaka,
Everyday Observations questions and updates
Everyday Observations Due October 8 (Tomorrow at midnight)
Day 18
October 9, 2020
Starter: Describe your everyday observations. What theme did you choose to focus on? How did this project allow you to interact with the world in a different way?
Artists of the day: Kathrine Bradford, Andrea Zittel, Stefan Sagmeister, Martin Parr, Hannah Landeen, On Kawara, Tehching Hsieh
Everyday Observations 2.0
Day 19
October 13, 2020
Starter: What do you know about color theory? What is the color wheel, rgb, cmyk? How did you use color theory in your everyday observations?
Artists of the day: Kathrine Bradford, Andrea Zittel, Stefan Sagmeister, Martin Parr, Hannah Landeen, On Kawara, Tehching Hsieh
Everyday Observations 2.0
Day 20
October 23, 2020
Starter: a. What are you doing for your Everyday Observations 2.0?
b. From taking this class, what do you think good art is?
Artists of the day: Aloe Corry, Komar and Melamid, Claire Trotignon
Charcoal monotype transfer drawings and experimentations
Work time on Everyday Observations 2.0
Sketchbooks Due On Monday! Submit on Canvas Video on how to submit it
Everyday Observations 2.0 Due Monday November 2, 2020
Day 21
October 27, 2020
Starter: Draw a quick comic of something awkward that has happen in the last month.
Share it with a neighbor!
Artists of the day: Natalie Stallings, Steven Stallings, Elora Clement, Rachel Stallings Thomander
Everyday Observation 2.0 Check-ups and Questions
Experimentation time!
Rule: Clean up after yourself and Make something cool to present to your peers
Sketchbooks Due Yesterday! Submit on Canvas Video on how to submit it
Everyday Observations 2.0 Due Monday November 2, 2020
Day 22
October 30, 2020
Starter: Draw some monsters
Share it with a neighbor!
Watch Ghost Guy and SpaceCat and Ghost Monster
Artists of the day: Ron Linn
Everyday Observation 2.0 Check-ups and Questions
Paint a hiding monster in a landscape or make a monster head and take a picture of it hiding somewhere in plain sight
Everyday Observations 2.0 Due Monday November 2, 2020
Day 23
November 3, 2020
Starter: What did you make for your everyday observations project? What did you do to extend your everyday observations? What could you do to extend it even further? Draw a picture of the 3 iterations.
Artists of the day: James Talbot, Colby Sanford, Mariana A Miserável
Everyday Observation 2.0!
Make a stand-in for your face
Everyday Observations 2.0 Due TODAY
Day 24
November 6, 2020
Starter: Draw something within 20 feet of you
Why do artists make work about the everyday?
Artists of the Day: Tom Friedman, Adehla Reed, Jen Stark
Dealing with the everyday
Sculpt tiny everyday objects out of air-dry clay and paint!
Day 25
November 10, 2020
Starter: Draw something that covers an entire page in your sketchbook
Artists of the Day: Tom Brown
Scholarship and Show opportunities
Grade yourself on Everyday Observations 2.0 Rubric
Update grades and work time on your tiny sculpture
Day 26
November 13, 2020
Starter: Write down as many living thing you see on a daily basis
Creativity is Overrated: Video
Artists of the day: Thomas Thwaites Video, Eduardo Navarro
Day 27
November 17, 2020
Starter: Draw a picture of the thing you have decided to mimic. (An ant, a rock, your dog, etc)
Artists of the day: Ron Linn, Bas Jan Ader
Make a time log in your sketchbook for the mimic assignment
Write down a statement or a thought
Day 28
November 20, 2020
Starter: Write down a list of fears/statements/truths
Example: I'm afraid my dad will die if you don't wear your mask
What have you decided to mimic?
Artists of the day: Ron Linn, Bas Jan Ader, David Shrigley
Make a time log in your sketchbook for the mimic assignment
Ink Workshop
Day 29
November 24, 2020
Starter: How is your mimic project going?
Make a plan to complete your project (ex. Set reminders in your phone)
Mimic Part 1: Research
Artists of the day: Kim Beck, Jason Lanegan, Mark Bradford, Yann Bagot, Yuki Kimura, Lutz Bacher
Pages to include in your research book of the mimic project:
a. Habitat of your object
b. Facts about your object
c. Observations
d. Origins of your object
e. Samples/Pictures/Drawing of your object
f. Ideas for how to mimic the object
Day 30
December 1, 2020
Starter: Pick your own artist and write down what you learned about them! Draw a page in their sketchbook something inspired by the artist you choose.
Work on your mimic project in your sketchbook. Using the materials around you (Sticks, grass, pencils, food,etc.) Make some studies of the object you have chosen.
Day 31
December 4, 2020
Starter: Draw 5 pairs of eyes, 5 different noses, 5 mouths, and 5 different ears (Click here for examples)
Artist of the day: JooYoung Choi
Follow JooYoung Choi's assignment. Make an imaginary friend that helps you with something.
Character design workshop! <-- Click the link to see the google slides and some examples
Design your own character keeping your mimic project in mind.
Draw it from 4 different angles (Front, Side, Back, Above or Below) and 5 different emotions and expressions
Day 32
December 8, 2020
Starter: Make a self portrait
Artist of the day: Vincent Van Gogh, Felix Gonzalez Torres, Frida Kahlo, Chuck Close, Lucas Zanatto
Watch the video on abstract expressionism -->
What can a portrait be?
Mimic Project! Look on canvas for instructions.
Day 34
December 15, 2020
Starter: Starter: What has been your favorite thing we've done in this class? What artists did you like? What do you think makes a good teacher?
Work on your sketchbook! Turn it in on Canvas! Due Wednesday!
Mimic Project DUE TUESDAY!
Sketchbooks DUE WEDNESDAY!