Day 1
January 4, 2021
Disclosure Document
Make/draw something
Disclosure Document due on Canvas
Day 2
January 7, 2021
Artists of the day: Molly Egan, Elise Gravel, garadinervi, Natalya Balnova, Nejc Prah
Make a sketchbook!
Design a cover for your sketchbook based on the artists of the day.
Disclosure Document due Monday on Canvas
Day 3
January 11, 2021
Starter - In your sketchbook, write a list of as many objects you can think of (Shoot for 100+)
Artist of the day: Gilbert Legrand, Koki Tanaka
Video: What is Art?
- Write down 3 things talked about in the video
What would you consider art?
Instead of asking "Is this art?" ask questions like "Is this piece finished?" "What does the piece remind me of?"
The 3 C's - Context, Concept, Content
In your sketchbook complete this phrase 10 times: Use a ___(noun)___ as a ___(noun)___
Illustrate at least one of the phrases you wrote in your sketchbook
Disclosure Document due TODAY on Canvas
Day 4
January 14, 2021
Starter: Draw 10 different ways to wear a mask
Artists of the day: Magritte, Jared Steffensen, Rebecca Horn
50 Ways to Use a Tool assignment introduction
50 Ways to Use a Tool assignment
Day 5
January 19, 2021
Starter: What are different ways you could make your 50 Ways to Use a tool assignment? A comic, a book, a pop-up book, a photo series, a t-shirt, an Instagram, etc.
Artists of the day: Meggie Johnson, Sarah Waldron, Choi Rim, yongpa_toinz, Eva Stalinski
50 Ways to Use a Tool assignment
Hinge Paper puppet workshop! Make something with paper hinges and learn how to turn it into a gif!
50 Ways to Use a Tool assignment
Day 6
January 20, 2021
Starter: Draw 15 things a bike could lean against
Artists of the day: Tali Bayer, Gif
Talk to students about 50 Ways
Gif and Hinge Paper puppet workshop Part 2
To make a gif, I use the app GIF maker: ImgPlay
50 Ways to Use a Tool assignment due MONDAY
Day 7
January 25, 2021
Starter: What would you say the purpose of the assignment 50 Ways to Use a Tool is? What have you learned from it? Draw a doodle of the tool/object you chose
Artists of the day: What Is The Treachery of Images? Video
You can:
a. Work on your 50 Ways to Use a Tool
b. Do an art assignment from (RAD)ART
c. Make your own art assignment
d. Do an art assignment from The Art Assignment
Turn in what you did today on Canvas
50 Ways to Use a Tool assignment due TODAY
Day 8
January 28, 2021
Starter: Look at this piece of art.
a. Describe the work
b. Write down 3 things that the piece reminds you of.
c. Does the art look finished? Why?
d. What questions do you have about it?
Artists of the Day: JooYoung Choi
Write about your project in your sketchbook. What is it? What was the process you made it? How does it fulfill the assignment?
Critiques (concept, context, content) Get feedback from your peers using the questions in the starter
Worktime - Draw out some ideas to make on your shirt
Day 9
February 1, 2021
Starter: Draw a picture of a place where you don't mind waiting (bus stop, school, etc.)
Artists of the Day: Maren Elmont, Megan Arné
Day 10
February 4, 2021
Starter: Make some color swatches out of colored pencils! What colors do you think look good together?
Artists of the Day: Misaki Kawai, Cinta Arribas, Mogu Takahashi, Ilka Mészely
Color Theory Lesson
Worktime on shirts and Stencils!
Day 10
February 8, 2021
Starter: Make a list of topics you are interested in
Bind a book! In this book, you will put everything related to the obsessions project including ideas, drawings, documentation of your progress, notes, etc.
For next time, find at least 3 experts on your topic and at least 1 artist who makes things related to your topic.
Day 11
February 11, 2021
Starter: What do you think art is? Why do people make art?
Why Study Art? Video
Turn in and share 3 experts on your topic and at least 1 artist who makes things related to your topic.
What are the parts of the paintbrush?
Artists of the day! Terry Runyan, iejvxr, Angie Rozelaar, Hannah Collings, Daria Solak, Tietz I Illustrator, Michele Brummer Everett
Today you have the choice to do one or more of the following for today's class:
-Paint Valentine's cards
-Work on your obsessions project
-Make a collage
- Draw something!
- Make up your own assignment
Turn in what you got done today on canvas and rate your effort out of 10
Day 12
February 16, 2021
Starter: Open your sketchbook to a blank page. Think of nothing. How many examples of nothing can you think of? Draw "Nothing" in your sketchbook.
Nothing: of no value; something you don't notice, the absence of something
Artists of the Day: Keri Smith, Elise Gravel, Mark Lombardi, Jessica Stockholder, Tara Donovan
Do this project: Connect 2 Incongruent things
Using the list of sketchbook artists, adopt their style for a page in your sketchbook:
Molly Egan, Joanna Consejo, Keri Smith, Elise Gravel, garadinervi, Natalya Balnova, Yibin You, Nejc Prah, Mark Conlan, Clemence Dupont, Owen Gent, Other, Some more
Work on your obsessions project
Day 13
February 18, 2021
Starter: Out of the following topics, pick 3 of them that stand out to you
Grief, Time, Abstraction, Translation, The sublime, materiality, practice, destruction, sound, education, ruins, The object, sexuality, work, Memory, color, light, health, spirituality, nature, ethics, comfort, play, chance, boredom, queer, rural, appropriation, situation, race, the cinematic, the everyday, the fake, Science fiction, Documentary, The magazine, The market, networks/connection, information , happiness, beauty, humor, systems, dance, failure, dreams, wearable art, language
Artists of the Day: Julian Harper, Myleka Bevans, Kallie Lowery
Draw 5 ideas you could make with the topic of your obsession.
Work on your obsessions project
Day 14
February 22, 2021
Starter: This month is Black History Month. What do you know about it/ what have you learned about it? Have you learned about it in other classes? Have you read anything about it online?
Artists of the day:
Pick your own artist from these slides and write down what you learned about them! Draw a page in their sketchbook something inspired by the artist you choose.
Watercolor in your sketchbook something you learned from the video
Work on Obsession Project part 2
Day 15
February 25, 2021
Starter: What did you learn from making your obsessions project? What would you do differently if you were to do it again?
Artists of the day: Walton Ford, Craola, Elizabeth Murray (Paintings)
Teach something you learned from this project to people around you.
Work on any missing assignments, get help, or watercolor!
Turn in what you did on Canvas
Day 16
March 1, 2021
Starter: Think about things that are absent/missing in your life. Write a list/draw some images of those absent objects, things, places that you miss or are absent.
Artists of the day: Vija Celmins, Thomas Demand
Make a list of Stand-in ideas you have. Draw at least 3 thumbnails of the stand-ins you want to make. What materials are you going to use to make them?
Day 17
March 4, 2021
Starter: What are you going to make for your 3 stand-ins?
Papier Mache. Make something out of Paper Mache!
Stand-In Assignment Questions
Day 18
March 8, 2021
Starter: What has been replaced in your life? What is a replacement? What could you use a stand-in for?
Paint/work on Papier Mache
Work on Stand-in's (DUE WEDNESDAY)
Stand-In Assignment Questions
Day 19
March 11, 2021
Starter: What do you want to do before you die?
Headspace Guide to Meditation on Netflix
Watch the videos and look at the artists and write a response to the following questions:
What is meaningful for you at this moment?
How might you connect with your present moment?
What art projects could you make involving mindfulness?
Day 20
March 16, 2021
Starter: What is art? What is the importance of it? What have you learned in this class about art?
Artist of the day: Choose a scholastic magazine and read about an artist or find your own artist on or Make a page of your sketchbook based on that artist.
Make a new sketchbook!
Obsessions Project Extention
Day 21
March 18, 2021
Starter: What makes a good art assignment?
Submit what you did on canvas!
Day 22
March 22, 2021
Starter: Write down a list of fears/statements/truths
I'm afraid my dad will die if you don't wear your mask
Sometimes I'm pretty sad, but it's okay because it passes.
I'm not sure what I want to do.
Artists of the day: Ron Linn, Bas Jan Ader, David Shrigley, Dude With a Sign
Think Like an Artist assignment!
Submit what you did on canvas!
Day 23
March 25, 2021
Starter: Write down an art assignment you could do in 1 hour.
Choose your own artist of the day! Draw something that reminds you of the artist and write a couple of sentences about their work.
Make your own art project using the materials you have around you!
Turn in what you did on CANVAS
Day 24
March 29, 2021
Starter: What are you doing for your obsessions extension? Draw a picture of it.
Obsessions Project Extention will be due next Monday!
Artists of the day: Jared Steffensen, Sophie Calle
What if you learned how to cook something for your project. What could you do for the extension?
Day 25
April 1, 2021
Starter: Draw a foreground, middle ground, and background.
Make a backdrop! And some sculptural objects! Documentation workshop!
Day 26
April 12, 2021
Starter: Draw something that happened to you over spring break
Artists of the day: Kiki Smith, Nam June Paik, Cindy Bean
Make a storyboard for your video. There should be at least 10 slides.
Alter an object/make an object to be in your video. This could be a rock you find and paint, a sculpture you build out of cardboard, a shadow puppet, etc.
Examples: Composition! Make a backdrop! And some sculptural objects! Documentation workshop!
Day 27
April 15, 2021
Starter: Draw a silhouette of something
Artists of the day: Cecile Mclorin Salvant
Work on your video!
Day 28
April 19, 2021
Starter: Draw a scene from your video
What have you learned so far in making this video?
What are you interested in? What do you see?
Work on your video! This is the last day to work on it! Video due on Wednesday!
Day 29
April 22, 2021
Starter: Ask someone around you what you should draw. Then draw that.
Artists of the day: Audrey Helen Weber, Nina Dzyvulska
We are going to be making a digital coloring page!
Make a coloring page, take a picture, submit to Canvas
Day 30
April 26, 2021
Starter: Draw 3 objects that are of sentimental value to you.
Make a stencil of a face
Make a stencil of a chair
Open and Closed Space
Day 31
April 29, 2021
Starter: Draw a 4 part comic about the future
Collage paper, paint on it, draw on it, add layers!
Spray paint on top of your layered paper!
Day 32
May 3, 2021
Starter: Write down a list of things you could spraypaint on legally. What would you like to learn in this class that we haven't learned yet?
Collage paper, paint on it, draw on it, add layers!
Spray paint on top of your layered paper!
Turn in your final image on Canvas.
Day 33
May 6, 2021
Starter: Write about/draw a favorite memory of yours
a. Gather some materials you may need to create art such as a pencil, watercolor, colored pencils, ink, etc.
b. Go outside! See if there is anything you want to draw from life!
c. Make somethings!
Day 34
May 10, 2021
Starter: Look on Canvas and write down any assignments you are missing.
Work on what you haven't turned in yet!
Make an art assignment from or (RAD)ART for extra points
Day 35
May 13, 2021
Starter: Make a self portrait
Work on what you haven't turned in yet!
Make an art assignment from or (RAD)ART for extra points
Make a painting!
Day 36
May 17, 2021
Starter: Make something applying what you've learned in this class this semester
Take good pictures of your art!
Make an Art Portfolio!